Safety-Critical downloadable PDF files
Scott Messner, An Overview of RTCA DO-178B 2 (ppt)
Download2019_03_GL_Safety-Critical-Communications_V1.0_Preview (pdf)
DownloadRtca Do-178B (pdf)
Download13_CES_DO-178B (pdf)
DownloadStandards in Avionics System (pdf)
DownloadGuide to Software Verification and Validation (pdf)
DownloadRequirements Verification and Validation (ppt)
DownloadChecklist for Conducting Code Review (xlsx)
Downloadtest-plan-checklist (docx)
Downloadquality-assurance-checklist (doc)
DownloadUser-Acceptance-Testing-Checklist (docx)
DownloadINCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook 4e 2015 07 (pdf)
Downloadnasa_systems_engineering_handbook_0 (pdf)
DownloadEffective Development of Safe Avionics SW using SCADE (pdf)
DownloadMicroComputer Data Processing (dba MCDP), Inc.
4898 Worthington Cir., Rockledge FL 32955
'LIFE ' is the most critical of all Safety-Critical Systems.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people:
Black, White, Brown, Red, Yellow, and Mixed lives matter;
Native, Immigrant, and Non-Immigrant lives matter;
Male, Female, and Gender Fluid lives matter;
Challenged and Unchallenged, lives matter;
Young and Old lives matter;
Your and My life matter.
.. Black Lives Matter (BLM).
.... All Lives Matter (ALM)...